How much time is needed to run a successful internet marketing business?

Time is something that is a most important factor when considering starting up an internet marketing business.  For instance, could you realistically achieve a reasonable income if you were only able to devote 20 minutes per day to the task?  20 minutes per day equates to approximately 10 hours a month.  This isn't an enormous amount of time for any business so is it a feasible target?

Perhaps the secret to success in internet marketing is in the timing as it is in most things in life even if it is only 20 minutes per day.  So if you are interested in creating an internet marketing business but see time as an issue, ie you cannot afford to spend more than 20 minutes a day as long as you persevere you may achieve your ambitions.

If you spend your 20 minutes in researching something about which you are passionate you are more likely to succeed.  Bear in mind that you may have to continue for several years before seeing your online business succeeding.  Don't believe any hype that says you can succeed without putting in a lot of effort and hard work!


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