
Showing posts from July, 2011

Is auto blogging software a useful internet marketing strategy?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a way to completely automate your internet marketing business?  Well according to a lot of websites out there all you need to do is spend less than a $100 for a magical software program that will generate all the articles you could ever desire for your niche.  However, even the most basic research on Google shows that most who have tried these systems are at best disappointed and at worst end up having to remove such automated content from their websites.  Why? Well to put it simply Google doesn’t want to feed its users with information which is either a regurgitated  article or bits of different articles which have been put together by a computer and  just don’t read well.  Then there are the systems which will basically  search the web for relevant articles for your niche and post them on your website automatically.  Google doesn’t rate this kind of activity very highly either and it usually results in you...